Kidstool English


Children do not always ‘feel like’ talking about themselves, but at the same time they give off signals that show the need for genuine interest. Positief Onderwijs Nederland has developed the Kidstool especially for children between 8 and 12 years. This tool enables them to take stock of their own lives and well-being in just ten minutes. Children between 4 and 7 years old can fill in the Kidstool together with a supervisor.

Research has been carried out into the factors of well-being from the perspective of positive psychology. Well-being is the basis for learning and flourishing and consists of a number of dimensions. These dimensions form the basis for the Kidstool. For elementary school students, there are seven themes: my body, my feelings and thoughts, now and later, feeling good about myself, participate, independence and my schoolwork.

The Kidstool is used to get an image to visualize the children’s well-being. The Kidstool can be used as a preparation for an individual conversation between child, student and teacher. The tool can also be used to get an idea of the growth, development and well-being of children in a broad sense.

Start KidstoolWhite paper Positive Education

Positief Onderwijs Nederland has developed the Kidstool together with a group of experts and experienced users. The Kidstool is not a ‘validated measuring instrument’. This means that further scientific research is needed to assess the accuracy of the method. Therefore, scientific research continues. The copyright © is owned by Positief Onderwijs Nederland.